mission and passion:

After working with thousands of clients and students all over the world, she created an accurate energy and astrological system for diagnosis and therapy: Energy Astrology, Astromeridians and Astrohealing.
Lea is the author of six books about astrology and vibrational health, cofounder of the Kepler Institute for Astrological Research and Education, and president of the Association for Energy Astrology in Belgrade, Serbia. She also runs online distance learning programs in Russia, Turkey, Mexico and the US.
Lea’s biggest passion is to travel around the world with her husband Aleksandar and teach people how to live the truth that we are the Universe and how to build an amazing life and business around this truth. Her books are translated into English, Russian and Turkish.
Mission and Passion
Lea believe that fastest change happen when people can see for themselves where in their body’s energy block and how it is manifesting in their physiology, beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and life circumstances. It means – Once you can clearly see it, you can change it.
Lea passion is to help people to discover their most amazing and deepest gifts and to see for themselves that all is great about them.