Welcome to the beginning to your journey Inwards!

Energy Astrology is a unique system of working with the chakras (the energy
centers in the body) and the planets in our astrological map (horoscope).
The vibrational inscription of a certain event, situation or relationship that we experience is written in our horoscope. Once we understand from which planet and aspect this event is emerging, we can use the practice of Energy Astrology to correct the imbalance and even make this energy work for us.
The magnetic coding that occurs at birth influences a person throughout his or her life through their energy centers – the chakras. These represent fields of subtle energy in which thoughts, emotions and energy turn into matter. Everything that happens is already contained within us, through the subtle magnetic coding in our energy centers (chakras). Therefore, by changing that internal rhythm, outer circumstances and events can be changed as well.
The direct link between the chakras and the levels of the mind, emotions and events allows us to identify where any problematic energy is locked. If this energetic imbalance is healed, events will change at the same time as the associated psychological and physiological problems. It can be said that the chakra is a physiological gate through which mental, energetic and emotional realities are turned into physical reality.

“…a wonderful experience, not only because I learn about the energy centers, and how to relate them with the natal chart, but for the benefits that I have experienced myself, working with the energy exercises and balancing them. Now I can see Astrology with another point of view, much richer, and with this certification, I feel confident that I will help my clients connecting with their energy centers, and live fully and balanced. I’m grateful for Lea Imsiragic and her wisdom, she helped me to open up my heart and my true self.”
~ Ana Polanco ~
“Energy Astrology Certification program has been for me an exciting path of self-discovery and healing guided by Lea wonderfully. Each class with Lea is definitely an inspiration. I feel empowered, with this new knowledge that for me has the purpose of serving and helping more people. Thank you Lea, I love you.”
~ Fatima Botsiieva ~
“I think it is a long journey to find the meaning of life. This starts with getting to know yourself. That’s why I started learning astrology. If you want to fully understand your astrological map, energy astrology will be very helpful. You will first help yourself and later your community to develop physically and emotionally. Finally you and your horoscope will be totally integrated. I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to take energy astrology classes and to meet Lea.”
~ Nevra Guven ~
When we systematically work with our life energy, then
what we call “crisis” becomes an energy source—fuel
that helps us overcome obstacles which, in turn,
become stepping stones
on our future path…
The quality of our life is directly linked to the state of each chakra (planet), to the level of its development and the quality of its functioning, because these energy centers represent the level of physiology at which consciousness turns into matter. By scanning your chakras with the chakra planetary test and natal horoscope you can immediately see the areas of life that contain problems. Therefore, energetic diagnosis and healing are very fast.
We inherited an energetic structure just like we inherited a physical structure. The rules of energy astrology coaching give detailed insight into the functioning of each of these ten centers (planets). By improving the functional quality in each chakra, we evolve and develop finer levels of consciousness that make possible much more freedom. When we systematically work with our life energy then what we call crisis becomes an energy source, fuel that helps us overcome obstacles which, in turn, become stepping stones on our future path.
The main goal of working on energy centers is to increase the level of consciousness. Each chakra is connected with different spiritual lessons and challenges on the path of evolution and during the process of maturing the Soul. Recognizing these energies and consciously working with them gives us an opportunity to choose whether our challenges will be damaging or bring us complete regeneration and awakening of our body, mind, emotions and consciousness.

“Energy Astrology Certification Training (EACT) is a great program which shows us the clear links between the spiritual part of the planets/lights and the real part of our bodies/psychology. Lea teaches a very useful model for the human energy system and brings brief understanding to our daily behaviors. According to psychological/healthy personal problems, the body energy dysfunctions and negative astrology chart aspects, she also offers spectacular solutions by special movements, body postures, natural sounds, deep imaginations and so on. That program is going to build a new perspective in your daily life and it’s going to transform your astrological thinking.”
~ Ömer Danışman ~
10 months Certification Program
During this 10-month training program, you will:
“The Energy Astrology certification program has been an amazing experience! Lea shares her rich wisdom and her big heart creating a strong and beautiful container in which I can only dive in and experience magic. This is possible by consciously synchronizing my body and my energy with the stars and my soul. Also, I have been able to achieve balance, to have creative awakenings and lovingly see the patterns that I can let go of in order to be more myself and project that. Throughout this journey, I’ve felt way more centered and more present. I’ve also felt more prepared with the exercises and knowledge that Lea shared, and at the same time more in touch with my own resources to live my life and to deal with the day to day activities. I feel more empowered and I can’t wait to start sharing this with more people! It has really made a difference for me and I’m really grateful for that.”
~ Claudia Ochoa ~
What will you receive each month?
What results can you expect?

Enroll in the Energy Astrology Certification Training (EACT program) today!
This program enables you to develop balance with your natal planets, and at the end of this program, you become a certified Energy Astrology Trainer. The entire program takes 10 months plus one weekend in-person with a final training and examination for the certification program.
As a student of EA or EACT program you will receive one lesson each month with the description of one energy center, an explanation of exercises that you should regularly perform during that period, as well as a list of affirmations for any given planet.
Apart from the written material, you will also receive a special frequencies and video recordings of the exercises, as well as a special test.
Before you begin each new lesson, a simple “start-up test” will be activated. This test helps identify the state of the given energy center for you personally. After 28 days, the “final test” will be activated, and it will contain the same questions for the given energy center as the “start-up test”’ did, and you will be able to see the progress you made after four weeks of working on the given center (which is a particular planet in your natal chart).
“In one-year learning and implementing Energy Astrology; things have started to change. I started doing the exercises consciously, regularly and joyfully, grounding myself and helping others to do the same. I became more intuitive, I can focus more and I touched my personal power. There is an obvious change in my vibration. I have the courage to follow my mission. I learn to listen to my body; I have more mind-body connection. I am becoming less and less reactive. This system gave me a new mission, a new path to interact with people and the universe more deeply, now I have a valuable knowledge at hand to help and guide people as a therapist. I can now share and tell clients meaningful explanations. I can touch the souls of other people. Thank you Lea from all my heart.”
~ Defne Gecebegi ~