I’ll send you the planetary chakra test as soon as we schedule the consultation and I will ask you to carefully complete this test and send it back to me.
It takes about 30 minutes to complete the test.
At the end of the test you will have the opportunity to share what’s happening currently in your life that you would like to solve or improve, so we can focus on them (but I am also always open to everything that comes up during the consultation that seems important for you).

STEP two
I will record our consultation and send you the link to the audio files via email the same day or the day after the consultation, as I believe it is so valuable to listen to the consultation more than once (because I give you so much valuable, practical advice but I also want you to listen to these recordings multiple times so you can practice this new knowledge and apply it in your everyday life – that’s how we can change and start empowering all aspects of our lives-J).

STEP three
If you choose the basic option, during the consultation you will also receive guidance for balancing a particular chakra with flower essences and activities. If you choose the healing option then we will systematically work with your life energy through energy exercises, affirmations, flower essences and/or frequencies of planets (chakras). You can expect real and visible change in a minimum of 28 days to maximum of 3 months – and I mean significant and positive changes
The goal of my work with you is to guide you to experience that each planet in your horoscope – each chakra – is connected with different spiritual lessons and challenges on the path of evolution and during the process of maturing the Soul.
I am here to help you speed up this process so you can start living more and more the potentials of your horoscope and your life purpose