February 29th and March 1st, 2020, 11am to 6 pm,
Hotel Tulip Inn, Belgrade, Serbia

Are you ready for the spiritual adventure, deep connection
with the animal spirit guides and with yourself?

Join us for a deep and powerful weekend of learning, healing and personal growth with the help of these amazing vibrational essences from the USA. Daniel Mapel has been creating the totally unique Wild Earth Animal Essences in the Blue Ridge Mountains of America since 1995, and his work is internationally acclaimed for its originality, sensitivity and insightfulness.

We will be blessed to have the support of the animal kingdom through this process, and Daniel will introduce and we will work directly with, his second set of 6 Wild Child baby animal essences (Babies of swan, wild horse, hippopotamus, robin, badger, and bat) and a combination called Inner Child Healing. These essences support embracing our wounds and releasing the anger and pain we have been carrying from past suffering we have experienced.

The workshop will include guided meditations, nurturing exercises and other processes that will allow us to connect with our unresolved issues and take healing steps. Daniel will also teach skills and processes that participants can take with them to support them with their growth after the seminar.

More about Workshop:

Our true and original state is one of innocence and perfection, and life is meant to be primarily an experience of joy, miracles, abundance, and connection with Spirit. The main thing holding us back from living in this state of Grace is our unhealed emotional baggage from the recent or distant past. This healing seminar is all about working together on how to move through and release our suffering so that we can fully experience the awesome sacredness, power, and joy of being alive!

As we heal our past and let go of the suffering we have been carrying from the hurts we’ve experienced, we come to know ourselves again as the joyful, loving, and spiritually connected beings that we are and always have been.

This seminar goes deeper than any of Daniel’s other workshops and is devoted to learning tools and processes that will guide us to deeply feel and release our unresolved wounds from childhood and later in life, so that we can fully experience the magic of being alive. We will also play, laugh, and celebrate being alive together in joy!

About Daniel

For nearly 25 years, Daniel Mapel, M.A. has been developing the Wild Earth Animal Essences in the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia, USA, where he lives with his family. Daniel and his wife, Mary, have been blessed to be able to homeschool their son, Gabriel, and they live in harmony with the cycles of nature, with black bears, foxes, coyotes, deer, bobcats, and eagles as their backyard neighbors. 

Daniel is an experienced counselor and educator who years ago walked his own path from darkness into the light. He grew up in a home with alcoholism and sexual abuse and he intimately knows the suffering that comes from being disconnected from one’s true essence and power. Through his courage to face the suffering of his past, he found a way path through his pain and discovered the immense joy of authentically living the life of his dreams.  Early in his life Daniel developed a deep and profound connection with the animal kingdom and through his many experiences with wild animals discovered the unique energetic gifts offered by the wild ones for our own transformation and healing.  His time as a wilderness guide in the Rocky Mountains, as well as living for three years in a remote West African village, allowed for some of his most profound animal experiences and provided the foundation for the development of the Wild Earth Animal Essences which are now distributed around the world.  He is an international workshop presenter who travels from Argentina to Japan sharing his gifts, and he is known for his gentle way and open heart. He is sought out for his unique ability to help others connect deeply with themselves and the animals in an empowering and profound way.

Daniel holds a loving space that is filled with gentleness, joy, and peace that supports individuals and the group as a whole to share a profound, powerful, and joyful experience. 

A big transformation is possible in 2 deep healing days. Join us for an amazing time of deepening, growth, and sharing joy and love together!

Registration/payment instructions:

The full price of this two-day seminar is 200 EUR.
Everyone who registers before the Winter Solstice
(December 21, 2019) will receive a discount.

The fee before December 21, 2019 will be 157 EUR
AND Full Moon workshop in January “Healing by Silence”
will be given as a gift.

For payments from December 22nd 2019 to February 14th 2020
discounted payment will be 180 EUR.

For all payments from February 15th to February 29th 2020
the amount is 200 EUR.
